What is Metaphysics?
Before diving into historical perspectives, let's clarify what is metaphysics. Metaphysics is often described as the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including being, identity, time, and space. It seeks to answer questions about the nature of reality that are beyond the physical or empirical world, such as "what does metaphysical mean?" in the context of understanding existence beyond the tangible.
Thalira's Doubt Everything Sweatshirt captures the essence of Descartes' philosophy, inspiring a spirit of questioning and self-reflection:
Was the World Metaphysical Before Descartes?
Exploring if the world was viewed as metaphysical before Descartes involves understanding the pre-Cartesian philosophical landscape. Before René Descartes introduced his method of doubt and the cogito, "I think, therefore I am," the metaphysical understanding of the world was deeply entrenched in various cultures and philosophical traditions:
- Ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle pondered on the nature of reality, the existence of forms or ideas, and the soul's immortality, setting a foundation for what is metaphysical in philosophy.
- In Eastern traditions, metaphysical questions about the nature of reality, consciousness, and the cosmos were explored through texts like the Vedas and the Upanishads.
- Medieval Scholasticism, with figures like Thomas Aquinas, merged classical metaphysics with Christian theology, questioning the nature of God and the universe.
These traditions indicate that the world was indeed considered through a metaphysical lens, focusing on the essence and underlying reality of existence, long before Descartes's rationalist approach.

What is Metaphysical Philosophy?
What is metaphysical philosophy? It's the study of what is beyond the physical world, addressing fundamental questions like the nature of being, the relationship between mind and matter, and the possibility of free will. This branch of philosophy is crucial for understanding what is metaphysics in simple terms: it's about exploring the unseen structures that govern our reality.
Metaphysics in Everyday Life
While often seen as an abstract study, metaphysics influences how does metaphysics relate to everyday life. From the spiritual practices we engage in to the ethical decisions we make, metaphysical concepts seep into our daily experiences. At Thalira, we celebrate this connection with our Esoteric Clothes, where fashion meets philosophical inquiry.
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Metaphysics and Modern Thought
Even after Descartes, the metaphysical inquiry didn't vanish but evolved. Philosophers like Immanuel Kant redefined metaphysics, leading to questions like is metaphysics a branch of philosophy? Indeed, it remains a vital part of philosophical discourse, influencing both science and spirituality.

FAQ on Metaphysics
What Does Metaphysical Mean?
Metaphysical refers to aspects of reality that are beyond the physical, dealing with questions of existence, identity, and the nature of things. It's about understanding what lies beneath the surface of our sensory experience. For more on this, explore our Western Philosophies collection.
What Are Metaphysics?
When asking "what are metaphysics," we're essentially questioning the plural of metaphysical studies, which include areas like ontology (the study of being), cosmology (the study of the universe), and the philosophy of mind.
Is Metaphysics Science?
The question "is metaphysics science?" touches on the debate about whether metaphysical inquiries can be approached scientifically. While metaphysics isn't empirical like science, it informs scientific methodology by questioning the nature of reality itself. For a deeper dive, check out Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's entry on metaphysics.
Can Metaphysics Be Proven?
Proving metaphysics in the same way you would a scientific hypothesis is challenging due to its abstract nature. Instead, metaphysical assertions are often evaluated by their coherence, explanatory power, and alignment with our understanding of the world. although the modern science of BioGeometry has proven the effects of ancient shapes on humans. Engage with these concepts through our Hermetic Clothes, inspired by the hermetic tradition's metaphysical teachings.
How Does Metaphysics Work?
How does metaphysics work? It works through philosophical inquiry, using logic, thought experiments, and sometimes intuition to explore questions that science alone can't answer. It's about conceptualizing reality in ways that transcend physical observation.
What Is the Study of Metaphysics?
The study of metaphysics, as outlined in "what is metaphysics the study of," involves examining the fundamental nature of reality, existence, and the relationship between mind and matter. It's a quest to understand the 'why' behind the 'what' of our physical world.
Can You Get a Degree in Metaphysics?
Yes, you can pursue higher education in philosophy with a focus on metaphysics. Universities offer degrees in philosophy with courses on metaphysics, and there are even specialized programs or certificates in metaphysical studies. For those interested in how to get a degree in metaphysics, exploring philosophy departments or metaphysical institutes could be a start. Learn more about the philosophical foundations with our Anthroposophy collection, where Rudolf Steiner's metaphysical insights are celebrated.
What Are Metaphysical Questions?
Metaphysical questions delve into the nature of reality, such as "What is existence?", "What is the relationship between consciousness and the physical world?", and "Is there free will?". These questions, or "what are metaphysical questions," push us to think beyond the observable.
How to Explain Metaphysics?
To explain metaphysics, one might say it's the philosophical exploration of what exists beyond the physical world, tackling questions about being, time, space, and causality. It’s about understanding the 'why' and 'how' of our reality. For a practical approach to these abstract concepts, see our Theosophy Clothes, where philosophy is woven into fashion.
Ancient Origins of Metaphysics
Metaphysics has its roots in ancient philosophy, including:
- Pre-Socratic Philosophy: This period in ancient Greece saw thinkers like Thales, Heraclitus, and Parmenides speculating about the fundamental nature of the universe, questioning whether change or permanence defines reality.
- Daoism: In ancient China, Daoist philosophers like Laozi pondered the metaphysical aspects of existence, emphasizing the Way (Dao) as the source of all things, similar to how we explore the essence of life in our Norse Mythology collection, where myth meets metaphysics.
- The Upanishads: These ancient Indian texts explore the metaphysical through the concept of Brahman, the ultimate reality, and Atman, the individual soul, questioning the unity of all existence.
- Aristotle: His work, later titled Ta meta ta physika (literally "the ones after the ones about nature"), became foundational to Western metaphysics, discussing substance, form, and actuality.
The Term "Metaphysics"
The term "metaphysics" was coined by Andronicus of Rhodes in the 1st century BCE when cataloging Aristotle's works. He placed Aristotle's writings on first philosophy after his books on physics, thus naming them "meta ta physika" or "after the physical". This historical context helps clarify what is meant by metaphysical in philosophical discourse.
Descartes and Modern Metaphysics
René Descartes significantly influenced modern metaphysics during a time of scientific revolution. His ideas, encapsulated in statements like "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), introduced a dualistic approach to reality, distinguishing between mind and matter. His work laid the groundwork for modern philosophy, questioning how we know what we know, which ties into what is metaphysic in the context of epistemology and ontology. Explore this transition in our Rudolf Steiner inspired designs, which bridge ancient wisdom with modern spiritual science.
The question "was the world metaphysical before Descartes?" leads us to acknowledge that metaphysical inquiry was indeed a central part of philosophical exploration long before his time. From ancient civilizations to medieval thought, the metaphysical lens was used to understand the cosmos, human existence, and the nature of reality itself. Descartes did not invent metaphysics but rather transformed it, setting the stage for modern philosophical debates. At Thalira, we honor this rich history through our collections, where every piece invites reflection on the profound questions of existence.
Whether you're drawn to ancient wisdom or modern interpretations, Thalira offers a way to wear your curiosity and embrace the metaphysical journey. Use promo code "BLOGREADER" for a discount on your next purchase, celebrating the endless quest for understanding the nature of our existence.