The Godhead | |
First Hierarchy | Seraphim, Spirits of Love Cherubim, Spirits of Harmony Thrones, Spirits of Will |
Second Hierarchy | Kyriotetes, Spirits of Wisdom, Dominions Dynamis, Spirits of Motion, Virtues, Mights Exusiai, Spirits of Form, Powers, Revelations (In Hebrew the equivalent of Exusiai is Elohim) |
Third Hierarchy | Archai, Spirits of Personality, Primal Beginnings, Principalities Archangeloi, Spirits of Fire, Archangels Angeloi, Sons of Life, Sons of Twilight, Angels |
Angel | Virtue | Love-Fear Spectrum | Flow | Chakra | Block | Fear-Love Spectrum | Sin | Demon |
Gabriel | Diligence | Life | Connection | Crown | Separation | Suicide | Sloth | Belphegor |
Raphael | Humility | Peace | Perception | Third Eye | Illusion | Depression | Pride | Lucifer |
Azrael | Patience | Calm | Expression-Truth | Throat | Lies | Anxiety | Wrath | Satan |
Michael | Charity | Abundance | Love-Affection | Heart | Grief | Loneliness/Scarcity | Greed | Mammon |
Remiel | Kindness | Trust | Social | Solar Plexus | Guilt | Doubt | Envy | Leviathan |
Uriel | Chastity | Excitement | Personal | Sacral | Shame | Uncertainty | Lust | Asmodeus |
Cassiel | Temperance | Safety | Justice | Root | Fear | Fear | Gluttony | Beelzebub |
The Spiritual Framework:
- Angels and Virtues: Each angel is associated with a virtue, representing positive qualities that humans should cultivate. These virtues help in balancing the human soul against the negative forces or sins.
- Chakras: The chart aligns each angel with a chakra, reflecting how these virtues and their corresponding sins affect different aspects of human subtle energy body, and consciousness.
- Love-Fear Spectrum: This illustrates the emotional and spiritual state one can achieve through the virtue or suffer through the sin, highlighting the dichotomy between positive and negative spiritual development.
Sins and Demons: Each sin is paired with a demon, symbolizing the darker aspects of human nature or external influences that can lead one away from spiritual growth towards moral decay.
Austrian mystic polymath Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) has gotten a lot of internet meme-time lately due to his predictions concerning the early twenty-first century, specifically about the effects of the newly-arrived technocratic vaccines. To comprehend Steiner’s vision in the context of his astounding output (dozens of books, thousands of lectures across a vast array of topics) would encompass a dedicated decade of close reading and cross-referencing.
The difficulty fathoming him is compounded by a lack of referents to what he discusses in other mystic traditions, via what he terms “spiritual science”. In other words, you can take Sufi, Vedic, Buddhist, Gnostic, or Kabalistic terminology and realize there is a high degree of similarity among descriptions of spiritual states, symbols, and characters. There is a particular school of thought, “Traditionalism”, born out of this type of study, for better and worse.1 Steiner’s oeuvre is nearly a stand-alone. Yes, there are correlates to Theosophy, but you
really have to have faith that he is a Rosicrucian initiate bringing to light what has been undisclosed to humanity, hidden within the hoary heads of occult societies, because we are at a crucial turning in our millennia-long evolution. And it is Steiner who can read the akashic2 records of individual reincarnational lineages, along with every particle of human, animal, plant, and mineral experience across the entirety of time, along with an individual country’s karmic entanglements coming to fruition. If not for the success on the physical and spiritual level of a number of Steiner’s enterprises—notably biodynamic farming, Waldorf education, and anthroposophical medicine—we would be stuck in the realms of “buy the premise, buy the flick”. - Stephen Crimi
1 Better in that it can open a dialogue across traditions otherwise at odds with each other; worse in that it breeds a certain intellectual elitism that winds up substituting experience of spiritual awareness for ideas about them among many of the academics. But this is nothing new.
2 Akasha is a classical Sanskrit term often translated “æther”.
P.S This is why developing higher thinking/moral imagination is the first step. We need to stretch our imagination to the lengths of god. This way we can see from what lengths all things weave and diverge.
Rudolf Steiner (Dornach, 27 October 1917)
“It will be the main concern of these spirits of darkness to bring confusion into the rightful elements which are now spreading on earth, and need to spread in such a way that the spirits of light can continue to be active in them. They will seek to push these in the wrong direction. I have already spoken of one such wrong direction, which is about as paradoxical as is possible. I have pointed out that while human bodies will develop in such a way that certain spiritualities can find room in them, the materialistic bent, which will spread more and more under the guidance of the spirits of darkness, will work against this and combat it by physical means. I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.” “...people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination towards spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field — the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the spirits of light.”
“The first step must be to throw people’s views into confusion, turning their concepts and ideas inside out. This is a serious thing and must be watched with care, for it is part of some highly important elements which will be the background to events now in preparation.” “...It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this.”
“The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.” “The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”
"If you are new to anthroposophy you may not be aware that Rudolf Steiner spoke of these matters at great length. For those that have studied anthroposophy, you will recall that Steiner wrote of the War of All against All, a time in a distant future that is the transition to the future Earth. But what many may not be aware of is that this struggle can take place at any cultural period either in a microcosmic form or in a full-fledged battle between the Moon and Earth."
"In order to be victorious in this struggle–whether now or at the end of the Seventh Epoch, whether personally or globally—one must meet evil in its luciferic and ahrimanic forms with the courage to see through their terrifying and daunting spectres of fear, hatred and doubt, embracing in their place a spirit full of faith, love, and wisdom. To do so is to wield the sword of Michael and slay the fiery dragon. But, first, one must become aware of evil and, like the miller’s daughter in Rumpelstiltskin, call out his name in full recognition of the devil he is. - Dr. Douglas Gabriel - The Occult Annihilation Of The Soul
Combatting Negative Influences:
- Recognition: Naming and understanding these forces, like in the tale of Rumpelstiltskin, reduces their power over individuals.
- Christ-Consciousness: Embracing this consciousness involves living with love, faith, and wisdom, providing balance against both spiritual excess and material entrapment.
- Cultivating Virtues: Daily practice of virtues like humility, charity, and kindness directly opposes the negative traits of sins and demons.
- Technological Awareness: Using technology as a tool while maintaining human autonomy and not letting it dictate our spiritual or moral life.
- Community and Spiritual Life: Building connections that support spiritual growth, helping to create a collective movement towards ethical and spiritual living.
The Spiritual Beings: Lucifer, Ahriman, and Christ
- Represents: Spiritual excess, sensory temptations, and the pull toward chaotic imagination.
- Historical Context: Lucifer is the tempter, associated with enlightenment without morality. His incarnation around 2000 B.C. in China marked an era where spiritual wisdom was pursued but often without the ethical balance, leading to spiritual imbalance.
- Modern Parallel: Today, Lucifer's influence can be seen in the allure of ungrounded spiritual pursuits, where individuals might seek enlightenment or spiritual experiences without a moral compass or community support, potentially leading to ego-centric spiritual practices or the misuse of spiritual power.
- Cultural Impact: This can manifest in movements or ideologies that emphasize personal spiritual enlightenment over collective or ethical considerations, often leading to a form of spiritual materialism.
- Represents: Materialism, control through technology, and the loss of individuality.
- Historical Context: Ahriman, known as Satan in some traditions, is linked with the digitization of thought and the dehumanization of society. His influence has been increasingly evident with the rise of technology, artificial intelligence, and the manipulation of truth through media and information.
- Steiner's Warning: Rudolf Steiner warned that Ahriman's physical incarnation around 2000 A.D. in North America would challenge humanity to maintain its autonomy against the seductive power of materialist ideologies. This era is characterized by the potential for technology to control rather than serve human needs.
Vaccination Warning: Steiner also foresaw attempts to suppress spiritual inclinations through physical means, such as vaccines designed to root out or disconnect the soul from higher truths or spiritual realms. This perspective, though controversial, highlights the concern over the impact of physical interventions on spiritual development. See Rudolf Steiner's Prophecies for the 21st Century: Anti-Spiritual Vaccines, Ahriman and the Technocratic Endgame By Stephen Crimi. "It is the journey of the initiate, to die before you die, thence to live twice-born: once of the flesh, and again of wisdom."
Stephen Crimi has a degree in English literature from Union College, and spent over a decade in traditional Yoga study at Yoga Anand Ashram in Amityville, NY. He's been previously published in Moksha Journal and Journal of Anthroposophy in Australia. - Current Manifestation: Ahriman's influence is seen in the pervasive use of technology where individuals might lose touch with their intrinsic values, becoming more machine-like, or where data and algorithms dictate human behavior, reducing personal freedom and spiritual awareness.
- Represents: The central balancing force between Lucifer and Ahriman, living in our "I Am" the Ego through the direct resonance of moral development in our thinking feeling, and willing.
- Mission: Christ's incarnation in Palestine marked "the turning point of time," providing a model for integrating spiritual awareness with ethical grounding. This event introduced the possibility of human beings achieving a balance between the material and spiritual worlds.
Path Forward:
- Christ-Consciousness: By embracing this consciousness, individuals can achieve a "perfected ego," which involves transcending the extremes of both spiritual excess (Lucifer) and material entrapment (Ahriman). This means developing a self that is both spiritually aware and morally responsible.
- Ethical and Spiritual Integration: Christ's teachings offer a path where love, compassion, and wisdom are not just spiritual ideals but are practiced in daily life, fostering a community-oriented spiritual evolution rather than the solitary pursuits encouraged by Lucifer or the material dominance by Ahriman.
- Cultural Impact: In modern times, this translates to movements that seek to apply spiritual principles to social and environmental issues, advocating for justice, peace, and sustainability through a spiritually informed ethical framework.
Interplay and Balance:
- The dynamics among Lucifer, Ahriman, and Christ illustrate the human struggle between different forms of temptation and the potential for divine alignment.
- Human Evolution: This trinity of forces is essential for human evolution, where one must navigate through these influences to develop a balanced, spiritually aware, and ethically grounded life.
Individual Choice: Each person's journey involves choosing how to interact with these forces, either falling into imbalance with one or both or finding harmony through Christ's teachings, leading to a higher state of consciousness and moral action.
Robert Cialdini's Principles of Influence
In his book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion," Robert Cialdini outlines six key principles of influence, later expanded to seven. Here they are:
Description: People feel obligated to give back to others who have given to them. When someone does something for you, you naturally want to do something in return. This principle can be leveraged by giving something first (like a free sample or a favor) to create a sense of indebtedness.
Commitment and Consistency:
Description: Once people commit to something, they are more likely to follow through to remain consistent with their self-image. Small initial commitments can lead to larger actions. This can be seen in marketing where small initial requests lead to larger ones (e.g., signing a petition might lead to donating money later).
Social Proof:
Description: People look to the actions and behaviors of others to determine their own, especially when they are uncertain (this includes spiritual uncertainty). This principle is why testimonials, endorsements, and user reviews are so powerful in influencing decisions.
Description: People are more easily influenced by those they like. Factors that increase liking include physical attractiveness, similarity, compliments, contact and cooperation, and association with positive things. Salespeople often use these elements to build rapport.
Description: People tend to obey authority figures, even if they are asked to perform objectionable acts. Symbols of authority like titles, clothing, and other trappings increase the likelihood that others will comply with requests.
Description: Perceived scarcity generates demand. When something is less available, its value increases, and people are more likely to want it. This principle is used in sales tactics like "limited time offer" or "only a few left in stock."
Unity (added later by Cialdini in his revised edition):
Description: This principle is about the shared identity we feel with others. When we see ourselves as part of the same group or sharing the same identity with another, we're more likely to be influenced by them. This can be based on nationality, family, religion, or any group identity.
These principles are not just theoretical; they have practical applications in marketing, sales, negotiation, and everyday social interactions. Understanding them can help in both using them ethically to persuade others or recognizing when they're being used on you.
When Influence Turns to Manipulation
When certain groups with bad agendas utilize the principles of influence outlined by Robert Cialdini, the outcomes can be concerning:
Manipulation of Reciprocity
If these principles are used with bad intentions, reciprocity might be manipulated through deceptive gifts or favors, creating a false sense of obligation. For example, offering seemingly beneficial information or services that are actually designed to manipulate public opinion or behavior.
Exploiting Commitment and Consistency
People could be led into commitments under false pretenses or through incremental steps that lead to significant changes or actions they might not have agreed to initially. This could be seen in political or organizational strategies where small initial agreements lead to support for more radical actions or policies.
Misuse of Social Proof
False or exaggerated testimonials, contrived endorsements, or manipulation of social media to show false consensus could be used to sway public opinion or behavior. This can lead to widespread adoption of potentially harmful or misleading ideas, under the guise that "everyone else is doing it."
Liking for Deception
Charismatic leaders or influencers might use likability to gain trust and then exploit it. By presenting a likable facade, they can garner support for agendas that might not withstand scrutiny if presented by less appealing figures.
Authority Without Accountability
Manufactured or exaggerated claims of authority can lead to blind obedience. If someone from these groups were seen as an authoritative figure in global economics or politics, their influence could sway public policy or personal decisions without the necessary checks and balances.
Scarcity as a Control Mechanism
Creating artificial scarcity of resources, information, or opportunities can be used to control narratives or behaviors. For example, claiming that certain freedoms or choices will be lost if certain actions are not taken, can push people into decisions they might not otherwise make.
Unity for Division
Invoking unity around a false or divisive identity can manipulate groups into supporting policies or actions that benefit only a few while claiming to act for the collective good. This can lead to polarization, where unity is used to exclude or marginalize others not part of the selected group identity.
Consequences of Manipulative Influence
- Ethical Boundaries are Crossed: The line between persuasion and manipulation blurs. Ethical persuasion should be transparent and in the best interest of all parties, but manipulation often involves deceit or coercion.
- Erosion of Trust: Over time, if people recognize they've been manipulated, trust in institutions, leaders, or even societal systems can degrade, leading to cynicism and disengagement from civic life.
- Undermining Autonomy: Individuals might make choices that do not reflect their true desires or best interests, leading to a loss of personal agency.
- Potential for Harm: Policies or actions driven by manipulative influence can lead to significant societal harm if not aligned with ethical governance or public good.
- Polarization and Conflict: Manipulating group identities or using scarcity can intensify conflicts, especially if used to push divisive agendas.
In such scenarios, it becomes crucial for individuals to be educated on these tactics, to critically evaluate information, and for societies to maintain strong, transparent institutions that hold influential figures accountable. Awareness, critical thinking, and education are key defenses against the misuse of these powerful psychological tools.
The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (CW 177)
A cycle of 14 lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Given in Dornach from the 29th of September to the 28th of October, 1917. Translated by Anna Meuss FIL, MTA. Brought to you with the permission of Rudolf Steiner Press of London
Lecture 1: The Driving Forces behind Europe's War
Lecture 2: Humanity's Struggle for Morality
Lecture 3: The Search for a Perfect World
Lecture 4: The Elemental Spirits of Birth and Death
Lecture 5: Changes in Humanity's Spiritual Make-Up
Lecture 6: The New Spirituality
Lecture 7: Working From Spiritual Reality
Lecture 8: Abstraction and Reality
Lecture 9: The Battle between Michael and the Dragon
Lecture 10: The Influence of the Backward Angels
Lecture 11: Recognizing the Inner Human Being
Lecture 12: The Spirits of Light and the Spirits of Darkness
Lecture 13: The Fallen Spirits's Influence in the World
Lecture 14: Into the Future
A 9-hour lecture for those who wish to dig in further into what was said to prepare us for today.